
We have a passion for helping industry grow

使用多种技术专长, 项目管理, 工程, 和技术, 澳门拉斯平台首页是值得信赖的, reliable partner that safeguards our customers’ equipment 和 employees.

ω澳门威斯人平台首页 helps industry move 和 the economy go. And we do it with passion, intelligence, 强度, 和信任.


欧米茄澳门威斯人平台首页的起源始于1991年. The original founders had a vision of bringing higher levels of service to 索具机械运动 在太平洋西北部.

In 2023, 欧米茄澳门威斯人平台首页与几家合作伙伴公司联合成立欧米茄澳门威斯人平台首页集团公司. 拥有500多名员工, the ω澳门威斯人平台首页 Group of Companies has locations in 俄勒冈州, 华盛顿, 爱达荷州, 犹他州, 加州, 以及美国的德克萨斯州, 还有卡尔加里, 加拿大阿尔伯塔省. 然而, our teams go wherever we’re needed; we serve 客户 across North America while planning projects that span the globe.

ω澳门威斯人平台首页 offers industrial services, including 专门的运输, 重吊和索具, 机械运动, 技工, 起重机服务, 物流, 仓库, 应用和工业计量. While our large projects like moving transformers, 桥梁, sensitive technical equipment receive national 和 international recognition, we pride ourselves on delivering world-class solutions of any size with safety, 效率, 强度, 和信任. 无论大小,澳门拉斯平台首页都做.

Our people: A team built on 强度 和信任

今天, 澳门拉斯平台首页是工业服务和解决方案的首要供应商,这要归功于绿色团队的每一位成员的奉献精神和专业知识.

Our crew is some of the best in the industry, 凭借丰富的经验和专业知识,他们承诺为客户提供卓越的服务, 每一次.

Take a minute to learn more about our exceptional team.


欧米茄澳门威斯人平台首页集团公司是一组领先的工业服务提供商,横跨加拿大西部和西海岸, 山区, 和美国南部. 他们为北美各地的客户提供创新的复杂澳门威斯人平台首页解决方案, 索具, transportation challenges faced by manufacturers, 承包商, 物流供应商.